what's happening / news / New Digital Vehicle Registration a win for local drivers
The NSW Government has revealed a new fully digitised, paperless rego service, jointly funded between the Digital Restart Fund and Transport for NSW.
Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government, Victor Dominello said, the new Digital Vehicle Registration service is a one-stop shop for millions of drivers, offering digital renewal notifications and a Certificate of Registration all in one place.
“Around 16 per cent of registrations are not renewed on time due to paperwork being damaged, misplaced or simply stuck on the fridge and forgotten about,” Minister Dominello said.
Member for Oatley, Mark Coure said, that he hoped to see local drivers getting involved in the scheme that promises to take the hassle out of renewing your rego.
“Whilst this service is opt-in, meaning customers can still choose to receive a paper renewal notice if they wish, motorists can access their digital Certificate of Registration and receive electronic reminder notices through their MyServiceNSW Account,” Mr Coure said.
“The service will benefit motorists across all communities, and I strongly urge drivers within my community to get involved and reap the benefits,” Mr Coure said.
Minister for Metropolitan Roads, Natalie Ward said, the service will save drivers time and will also help reduce the 7.2 million paper renewals sent by Transport for NSW each year.
“This service has been piloted using more than 1000 vehicles to great success, with 95 per cent of drivers giving the opt-in process the thumbs up,” Minister Ward said.
Customers who opt-in will receive reminder notifications six and two weeks before their registration expires and one day after via email, in their MyServiceNSW account and by push notifications in the Service NSW app.
To opt-in to Digital Vehicle Registration, visit service.nsw.gov.au.