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27 January 2017
Mr Mark Coure today reminded motorists to slow down in school zones as NSW students start heading back to classrooms across the state from Monday. “School ..
read news27 January 2017
Three building and maintenance projects have been conducted at three NSW government schools in the Oatley electorate over the summer holidays in preparation for the ..
read news06 December 2016
Mr Mark Coure said the NSW Government is improving safety for school children with a boost to pedestrian safety infrastructure. Mr Coure said the improvements are ..
read news18 November 2016
A $5 million upgrade of Beverly Hills Girls High School’s entrance, administration and outdoor spaces was today officially opened by the Member for Oatley Mark ..
read news30 August 2016
The St George area will share in a $5 million program to install school zone flashing lights where schools have multiple busy entrances, and have ..
read news29 July 2016
Mr Mark Coure said local public schools will benefit from the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government’s record investment in school infrastructure announced in last month’s ..
read news02 February 2016
While school students and staff were on holidays, the NSW Government has been working hard to ensure capital works and maintenance projects at nearly 500 ..
read news18 December 2015
Minister for Education Adrian Piccoli has officially kicked off work at the first school to receive an upgrade under a NSW Government commitment to improve ..
read news26 November 2015
Mr Mark Coure said teachers and students will be given the means to recognise and act on domestic violence with a new ‘toolkit’ for the ..
read news29 October 2015
School students across the St George area will be provided with an Opal card at the start of the 2016 school year so they can ..
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