
what's happening / news / Development approval granted for next stage of St George Hospital Redevelopment

Development approval granted for next stage of St George Hospital Redevelopment

The $307 million redevelopment of St George Hospital is a step closer following approval of a development application by the Department of Planning and Environment.

Mr Mark Coure welcomed approval for the new Acute Services Building, which will comprise seven storeys constructed on the two-storey Emergency Department, which opened in December last year.

The new Acute Service Building at St George Hospital will include:

  • intensive care,
  • high dependency unit,
  • cardiac intensive care,
  • extra operating theatres,
  • extra inpatient beds
  • sterilising services department.

The helipad will be relocated from the multi-storey car park to the top of the new ASB as part of the project.

In the lead up to Christmas, site fencing is expected to go up adjacent to the Emergency Department.

Access to the Emergency Department and ambulance bay will operate as normal throughout the construction period.

Mr Coure said the development approval is another important milestone for St George Hospital.

“With main construction works set to commence in January 2016, staff, patients and local residents will soon see their hospital transform, bringing enhanced services to staff and patients sooner,” he said.